Copyright [2019] [Syntea software group a.s.]

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS,  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

# Version 42.2.12, release-date 2024-11-10
* Corrected bug in the method ‘org.xdef.sys.SDatetime.setRawOffset(int)’
and in the X-script method `setRawOffset(int)`.
* Corrected bug in the method in the X-script method `setZoneName(String)`.
* Added parsing method `ydatetime` for special use in Syntea software group.
* Corrected bug in the method `org.xdef.sys.SDatetine.setTZ(TimeZone)`.
# Version 42.2.8, release-date 2024-10-30
* The new property `xdef_defaultZone` is used to set the default time zone
(see org.xdef.XDConstants.XDPROPERTY_DEFAULTZONE).
* A new method `getDefaultZone()` has been implemented in the `XDPool` class,
which returns the specified default time zone or null if none has been
* If the result of the `dateTime` method does not contain a time zone and
a default time zone is set, then this default time zone is set
in the resulting date.
* The default time zone, if set, is added to the result of the `dateYMDhms` method.
* The default timezone is added to the result of the `xdatetime` parsing method
if it is non-zero and if it is not in the parsed data or if the output format
does not have a timezone output requirement.
* Implemented new X-script method `currencyCode()` of `Currency` value which
returns string with ISO 4217 currency code.
* To the class `org.xdef.XDFactory` is added new static methods. The method
`isXQuerySupported()` returns true if XQuery language is supported
and the method `isXPath2Supported()` returns true if XPath2 expression format
is supported.
# Version 42.2.6, release-date 2024-10-01
* The format of the regular expression in the method of type `Regex` in
the X-definition is now according to the regular expression in Java. However,
the format of the `%pattern` argument in validation methods remains according
to the XML schema.
# Version 42.2.4, release-date 2024-08-26
* Fixed bug in X-component generator for value type declared as `jvalue`
in X-definition models.
* Fixed bug in X-component generator for type of JSON array items declared as
`jvalue` in the X-definition if the field item is null (the result was
incorrect: it was object of type `org.xdef.xon.XonTools.JNull`).
# Version 42.2.2, release-date 2024-08-14
* Fixed bug in generating X-definition from JSON data.
* Fixed a bug in construction mode when there is a recursive reference
in the model.
* Fixed bug StackOverflow exception in construction mode when there is
a recursive reference in the element model.
# Version 42.2.0, release-date 2024-06-27
* Fixed a bug that the `onXMLError` section in the X-script was not compiled and
an error was reported when compiling the X-definition.
# Version 42.1.6, release-date 2024-05-28
* Fixed bug that did not report XDEF385 error when type name in local
declaration section was the same as the referenced type.
* Fixed bug generated negative value to `maxOccurs` attribute in
X-definition conversion to XML Schema.
* To the list of parameters of method `org.xdef.util.XdefToXsd.main(…)` was
added the parameter `–outType` with the name of the file where the types
declared in the X-definition are generated (note that the extension `.xsd` is
added to the name).
# Version 42.1.4, release-date 2024-04-08
* corrected bug in conversion of parsed properties/INI data to string.
* corrected bug in conversion of X-definition type `dec` to XML schema.
* In the conversion of X-definition to XML schema (`org.xdef.util.XdefToXsd`)
is added parameter `–xx`. If this parameter is used than from xdatetime
X-definition validation method is used the mask from parameter `outFormat`
(the second sequential parameter) for validation of XML data.
* most of X-definition methods is now more converted to XML schema string type
with `pattern` facets.
* Added error message `XDEF262` if occurrence was set to greater than 1
in the text node model.
# Version 42.1.2, release-date 2024-02-26
* Corrected bugs in the `org.xdec.util.XdefToXsd` utility.
# Version 42.1.0, release-date 2024-01-15
* Added the new binary operator `CHECK`. The result of operation is
a `ParseResult` value. The type of the first operand must be `Parser` or
`ParseResult` (if it is Parser then parsing method is invoked so that it
results a `ParseResut` value). The second operand is a `boolean` expression
(usually it is a method) and it is invoked only if the `ParseResult` from
the first processed operand does not contain any error messages. If the result
of invoked expression of the second operand is false, the error message
`XDEF822: Parsed result does not fit to CHECK argument` is set to the
`ParseResult` value.
* Fixed bug in nested sequence groups.
* If the type of a value in X-component is `union` and types of all items are
compatible type, then the type of getter/settter is set according to that
type (formally it was only `Object`).
* If in X-component the type is compatible with String`then type of
getters/setters is now always String.
* corrected and improved `org.xdef.util.GUIEditor`.
# Version 42.0.10, release-date 2023-08-23
* Fixed bug in `equals(arg)` and `compareTo(arg)` methods in `SDatetime` class.
Some internal variables were changed when it was called, which could cause
an error when called in multitask.
* Generator of X-definition from source data supports now also YAML source data
format (the package `org.yaml.snakeyaml` is available in classpath).
# Version 42.0.8, release-date 2023-07-10
* Corrected bug in generation of `XComponent` java source when was generated
the modified name of getter/setter even if it was not necessary.
* Corrected bug in the method `toXml` from `xd:any` of generated XComponent.
The returned `org.w3c.Element` was not inserted to the `org.w3c.Document`.
* Corrected bug in the construction`mode from a container which is an array
with only one item, which is an array.
* X-definition is now generated from either XML and from JSON/XON data.
(See `org.xdef.util.GenXDefinition` and `org.xdef.impl.GenXDef`.)
# Version 42.0.6, release-date 2023-04-10
* Fixed bug in reference from model to model with a different namespace.
The namespace of all child nodes and attributes with the original namespace
is changed to the new namespace. However, if a reference from a model with
an empty namespace to a model with a non-empty namespace, then the namespace
of attributes and child nodes with the namespace in the referenced model
is not changed.
* Fixed bug in X-component in the referenve to the model without namespace to
the model with nonempty namespace.
# Version 42.0.4, release-date 2023-02-27
* corrected bug in `toXon()` method in the X-component class generated from
an JSON/XON model with `%anyObj` spoecification.
* corrected conversion of JSON objects with values as byte array to JSON source.
# Version 42.0.2, release-date 2022-12-21
* `%anyName` named items of XON/JSON are now available in X-components as a map
created by the method `anyItems()` (instead of `entriesOf()`).
* corrected bug in X-component in generation of names of getters of named values
in map if the name if the name of named value is not acceptable
as a Java identifier.
* corrected bug not generated error if occurrence of `choice` group exceeds
the specified occurrence limit.
* corrected bug not generated error if occurrence of `sequence` group do not fit
the specified occurrence limit and a `choice` group is the last one of
the `sequence` group.
* corrected bug not generated error if maximum occurrence of `%anyObj` exceeded
the specified limit.
# Version 42.0.0, release-date 2022-10-12
* Corrected bug in `uses` and `implements` in X-script when it refers
* to a node with specified namespace URI.
* New things:
* This version of X-definition supports JSON, YAML, Propreties, Windows INI,
* CSV and XON data processing. See the documentation for this release.
* Implemented XON command %anyName.
* Implemented XON command %anyObj.
* Names of XON directives $:script and $:oneOf, changed to %script and %oneOf.
* Implemented %encoding directive in XON data.
# Version 41.0.8, release-date 2022-04-26
. added method `toXon()` the the interface `org.xdef.component.XComponent`.
. added generation of named items with `$oneOf` option in X-components.
. fixed bug in XON generation in models with `$oneOf` option.
# Version 41.0.6, release-date 2022-04-06
* fixed bug in `org.xdef.util.GUIEditor` if X-definition is not a valid XML.
* values in XON mode now can be either null or the specified type.
* improved XON mode converion to XML.
* fixed bug in XON createmode where is used `$oneOf`.
# Version 41.0.4, release-date 2022-01-13
* implemented new type validation methods `country` and `countries`.
* `<xd:json>` model in X-definition changed now to `<xd:xon>`.
* fixed bug in datetime formationg when mask of a xdatetime contains `SSS`
and the value of milliseconds in datetime is zero.
* fixed bug NullpointerException in parsing of incorrect JSON data.
* fixed bug in the method `SDatetime.reset()`.
* corrected generation of XON from XComponent
* improved generation the indented string from XON/JSON.
* implemented new methods `org.xdef.XDDocument.xcreateXComponent(…)`.

# Version 41.0.2, release-date 2021-11-24
* Corrected generation of X-components from models containing a choice section.
* The compilation of X-definitions stops if an XML error occurs in
an X-definition source and only the XML errors are reported.

# Version 41.0.1, release-date 2021-11-21
* Fixed bug in generation of X-component where in the choice section is an item
with max occurrence greater then one.
* Fixed bug in X-script method `xquery`.
* The deprecated method `setExternals(…)` from `org.xdef.XDBuilder`
was removed.
* The parameter list of the method `org.xdef.XDFactory(compileXD(…)` no more
supports classes with external methods. All external classes must be now
declared in X-definitions.

# Version 41.0.0, release-date 2021-11-15
* Preliminary version 4.1.
* From this project are removed utilities for conversion XML schema to/from
X-definition (classes `org.xdef.util.XdefToXsd`, `org.xdef.util.XsdToXdef`).
* to the interface ‘org.xdef.XDPool’ added method `genXComponent`.
* added X-script type `InetAddr`
* added X-script type `Currency`
* X-component generator now generates for XON/JSON components the method `toXon`
* fixed bug in X-component generation with `%bind` command
* The method
`XDDocument.setStreamWriter(Writer out, String encoding, boolean writeHeader)`
is now deprecated. Please use `OutputStream` instead of `Writer`.

# Version 40.1.5, release-date 2021-06-25
* fixed bug in nested type declarations.
* fixed few bugs in parsing of email address (it’s now up to rfc288).
* X-definition 2.0 is now deprecated.
* removed deprecated type methods: `ISODay`, `ISOMonth`, `ISOMonthDay`,
`ISOyearMonth`, `ISOYear`, `ISOdateTime`, `ISOdate`, `tokens`, `tokensi`,
`ISOduration`, `ISOlanguage`, `parseISODate`, `parseSequence`, `ListOf`.
* implemented new X-script types `URI` and `EmailAddr`.
* changed names of validation methods: `email` to `emailAddr` and `emailList`
to `emailAddrList`.

# Version 40.1.4, release-date 2021-05-13
* fixed bug: decimal point of amount in price is now always ‘.’ (independent on
`Locale` settings).
* fixed bug in XON to JSON conversion: datetime is not converted
as JSON string.
* fixed bug in GUI debugger: not reported errors in source X-definition
* fixed bug not thrown exception when occurs some errors in JSON/XON parser.

# Version 40.1.2, release-date 2021-02-15
* corrected the bug in the X-script method `s.contains(s)`.
* corrected the bug in the construction node of JSON.
* corrected the bug in JSON parser: duplicated name in object not reported.
* corrected the bug in JSON parser: after decimal point and before decimal point
must be a digit.
* to `org.xdef.XDDocument` it is implemented the new method
`Object jcreate(String name, ReportWriter reporter)`.
This method allows to construct JSON data acccording to JSON model with given
name. The method returns constructed JSON object.
* to `org.xdef.proc.XXNode` it is implemented the new method
`public void setJSONContext(Object data)`.
This method sets the context with JSON data used in the construction mode.
* to the BNF grammar are implemented new inline functions `$skipToNextLine`,
`$UTFChar`, and it is implemented the possibility to specify case insensitive
terminal symbols (when the terminal symbol specification follows percentage
* if in the date and datetime validation method is specified any of constraining
facets `%minInclusive`, `%maxInclusive`, `%minExclusive` or `%maxExclusive`,
then it is now skipped the test of date validity (which can be set
by properties or by methods `setMinDate` or `setMaxDate`).
* the method `setBufIndex(int)` in the class org.xdef.sys.StringParser was
renamed to `setIndex(int)`.
* implemented new version of transformation of XML to JSON and of JSON to XML.

# Version 40.1.1, release-date 2020-09-17
* corrected bugs in BNF syntax of X-definitions
* implemented the new method `chkCompatibility(String version)` to XDPool.
This allows to check the version of `XDPool` object with the actual
X-definition software.
* in the class `org.xdef.KDOMUtils` is implemented new static method
`public static void removeRedundantXmlnsAttrs(Element el)`. This method
removes unused `xmlns` attributes and moves repeatable used xmlns attributes
to the element el.
This method is now invoked in the construction mode of X-definition on the
constructed element.

# Version 40.1.0, release-date 2020-07-26
* corrected bug Illegal type in `ObjectReader` when the code contains an item
with `uniqueSetKey`.
* in the X-script is implemented the new type `uniqueSetKey`. This type of
object enables to save the actual value of the key of an `uniqueSet`. To do it
you can invoke the new implemented method `getActualKey()` from `uniqueSet`
object. With the new method `resetKey` form `uniqueSetKey` the actulal key
of given `uniqueSet` object is set to the saved value. E.g.:
<NodeValue xd:script=
‘var uniqueSetKey k; init k=nodeSet.getActualKey(); finally k.resetKey();’>

* implemented the new X-script method `bindSet(uniqueSet u1[,uniqueSet u2…])`.
This method can be specified only in the `init` section of the X-script
of model of Element. At the end of processing of the element where it was
invoked it sets to all specified `uniqueSet` parameters the value of the
actual key which was at init time (it happens after `finally` event).

# Version 40.0.2, release-date 2020-06-19
– improved generation of X-definition from XML data in
– the utility org.xdef.util.GUIEditor now supports also JSON data.
of date time values. Eg.: Mon May 11 23:39:07 CEST 2020.
– corrected bug in v org.xdef.XDFactory when for the compilation of
X-definition is specified a org.xdef.sys.ReportWriter of other type
then org.xdef.ArrayReporter.
– corrected bug in parsing of datetime by mask with variants when
the simpler variant precedes the more complex one.
– in X-script implemented new validation method SHA1(…).
– in X-script implemented new validation method printableDate(…) for the
printable format.
– implemented new X-script type of variable uniqueSetKey which holds the key
of an item in uniqueSet table.
– in X-script is implemented new method getActualKey() on uniqueSet objects. The
result of this method is object uniqueSetKey which holds the actual item
in the uniqueSet table (i.e. after invoking methods ID(), SET(), IDREF(),
– in X-script is implemented new method resetKey() of uniqueSetKey objects.
This method sets the actual value of key to the value which is saved
in an uniqueSetKey object.

# Version 40.0.1, release-date 2020-05-03
* improved JSON error reporting.
* corrected bug when a JSON string value contains some of escape characters.

# Version 40.0.0, release-date 2020-04-24
* new implementation of processing of JSON data.
* xd:def may now contain attribute xd:importLocal (the list of X-definition names from where are imported local declarations).
* xd:root may refer also to named xd:choice.
* corrected bug in error reporting (in some special cases was incorrect xpath).
* corrected bug in invoking methods from referred types.
* to the class org.xdef.XDFactory are implemented methods writeXDPool and readXDPool.
* in X-script is implemented method getCreateContextElement() which in the construction mode returns the actual element from context, otherwise it returns null.
* the default scope of accessibility of items from the xd:declaration declared as child of xd:def is now local (in previous versions it was global).
* to xd:def element is no possible to write the attribute “importLocal”. The value of this attribute is the comma separated list of names of X-definitions from which are imported items from local xd:declarations (the “noname” X-definition is specified by the character “#”).
* NOTE that the implementation of JSON is preliminary, it may be changed in future versions.

# Version 32.5.5, release-date 2019-11-26
* implemented new X-script method String getEnv(String name) which reads an environment variable.
* it is now possible to use environment variables likewise as properties. The property item has priority. If there are specified both, the environmental variable and the property item, then it is used the property value instead of value of the environmental variable. The names of properties and environment variables are changed, the dots (“.”) in a names are replaced by underlines (“_”), e.g. “xdef.debug” is now “xdef_debug” (see XDConstants). However, since the names with dots are deprecated, they are still accepted.

# Version 32.5.1, release-date 2019-09-24
– Corrected org.xdef.sys.SDatetime methods implemented from javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar.
– implemented the access to XML data or X-definition data with  an URL-like form where the protocol name is “classpath”.
String urlName = “classpath://org.xdefimpl.compile.XdefOfXdefBase.xdef”;
This form may be used to parse XML source data:
Document dom = KXmlUtils.parseXml(urlName);
or to X-definition in compilation of XDPool:
XDPool xp = XDFactory.compileXD(null, urlName);
or in the attribute “xd:include” in header of X-definition:
<xd:def xmlns:xd =”″
xd:include = “classpath://org.xdefimpl.compile.XdefOfXdefBase.xdef,
>  …

# Version 32.5.0, release-date 2019-07-11
– Prepared the EXPERIMENTAL version for processing JSON data (it does not influence the processing of XML data). The X-component has the new method toJson which returns a JCON object. It is also now available the new class org.xdef.json.JsonUtil which enables to work with JSON objects (conversion JSON to XML, XML to JSON,
parse source JSON data, compare JSON objects). In the X-definition is now possible to specify a JSON model written to an element js:json as a text child. The namespace assigned to the prefix “js” can be either: (see XDConstants.JSON_NS_URI) used for X-definition version of JSON to XML coversion
or (see XDConstants.JSON_NS_URI_W3C) used for W3C version of conversion to XML In the class XDDocument are now implemented the methods “jparse” (parsing of an JSON objects with X-definition).
<xd:def xmlns:xd=”″
xd:name=”Test” xd:root=”js:json”>
“Name”: “jstring(1, 50); onFalse outln(‘Incorrect name’)”,
“Salary”: “int(1000, 1000000)”,
“Vehicle”: “optional enum(‘Skoda’,’Ford’,’WW’,’Other’);”
JSON data:
{ “Name”: “John Smith”, “Salary”: 3500, “Vehicle”: “Ford” }
Program in Java:
File json; // file with JSON data
File xdef; // file with X-definition
XDPool xp = XDFactory.compileXD(null, xdef); // compile X-definition
XDDocument xd = xp.createXDDocument(“test”);
// parse json source and return parsed JSON object
Object result = xd.jparse(json, “js:json”, null);
// result will be the instance of java.util.Map

# Version 32.4.0, release-date 2019-04-02
– when X-component is generated from an element model where are no attributes and it has just a text child node, there are also generated getter/setter methods which have the “$” set before the name of element (e.g. get$name()).
The namespace URI for the X-definition version 3.2 is changed
– old: “”
– new: “”
The old value is also accepted (because of compatibility reason).

# Version 32.3.1, release-date 2019-03-21
– fixed error in generation of X-components from models with namespace URI.
Previous build info:
# Version 32.3.0, release-date 2019-03-12
– to the X-script added method XDValue replaceItem(int index, XDValue value). This method is member of the Container objects,
– fixed errors in conversion of X-definition to XML schema (in declared types).

– The previous vesrions were distributed by the site in this version were renamed the packages “cz.synte.xdef” to “org.xdef”.

– Corrected backward compatibility of the validation type declaration in the X-definition version 2.0 (the keyword “parse:”).
– Corrected the bug if the missing element in the model is followed by optional elements which are also missing.
– Corrected the bug in construction mode. It was not invoked the initialization section in the section “var” in the X-script of  an element model.

– To the interface XMData is added method getRefTypeName(). It returns the name of a deklared type or null there is no a reference to a declard type.
– From the interface XMData deleted the method getEnumerationValues().
– The declaration of a macro can be noe written in the xd:declaration element.
– Corrected bug in the method XDFactory.compileXD(…)
– New lines in generated files (ie. X-components and registered report tables) are now generated according to the system platform (ie. CR LF in Windows, LF in Unix  etc).

– Added x-script validation method “xdType”. It checks if the text value  is a specification of predefined validation method. The result is saved to the parsed result.

– The type “uniqueSet” is extended. It is now possible to declare a value connected with a key (see BNF rule “UniqueSetVar”): UniqueSetDeclaration ::= “uniqueSet” S Identifier S? UniqueSetDeclarationBody
UniqueSetDeclarationBody ::=
(“{” UniqueSetItem (S?”;” UniqueSetItem)* (S?”;”S?)? S? “}”) | Method
/* The method must be a parser. */
UniqueSetItem ::= S? (UniqueSetVar | UniqueSetKey)
UniqueSetKey ::= S? Identifier (S?”:”S? ((“?” | “optional”) S? )? Method )?
/* The method must be a parser. */
UniqueSetVar ::= S? “var” S TypeIdentifier S Identifier
(S? “,” S? TypeIdentifier S Identifier)*
<xd:declaration> uniqueSet u {a: string(); var Parser x} </xd:declaration>

<def Name=’u.a.ID();’ Type=’xdType(); onTrue u.x=getParsedValue();’ />

<Param Name=’u.a.CHKID();’ Value=’u.x; ‘/>

– added the utility cz.syntea.xdef.util.GUIEditor. It enables to edit  and to debug projects with X-definitions.

– The attributes are processed in order of order as declared in X-definition.

– to the class cz.syntea.xdef.sys.BFFGrammar was added the method trace(PrintStream out) if the parameter is not null, the trace information is printed. If it is null no trace information is generated.

– to the X-skript was added the method “getTextContent()”, which returns the concatenated string with the text nodes of the current element and all   the descendants.

– The internal implementaton of the XML parseru and XML builder was replaced by SAX parser and builder from javax package. Therefore were removed following classes from the package cz.syntea.xdef.xml:
– The class GenDTD2XDEF was moved from the package cz.syntea.xdef.xml to the package cz.syntea.xdef.util
– The class cz.syntea.xdef.sys.StreamParser was ablolished. The functionality of the class cz.syntea.xdef.sys.StringParser was extended with the possibility to parse a stream.
– It was added the property “xdef.locationsdetails” (values “true” or “false”, see XDConstants XDPROPERTY_LOCATIONDETAILS). If the value is “true” then the the error reports is added the information about the positions of atributes in the parsed XML document. However, the process is then a bit  slower and requires in some cases more memory. The default value is “false”.
– tothe class  cz.syntea.xdef.XDPool is added the method isLocationsdetails() which returns the actual value of the switch.
– The method “pushParsedObject” in the BGF grammar was renamed to “push”.  If it is used without parameter, then it is pushed to the internal stack the text parsed in the actual rule until the place where it was specified. If a parameter is specified then its value is pushed to the internal stack.
– The method “PushParsedString” was abolished (it is now possible to use  the  “push” method without parameter.
– The method “popParsedObject” in the BGF grammar was renamed to “pop”.
– added property “xdef.ignoreunresovedentities” with value “true” or “false”, default value is “false” – see cz.syntea.xdef.sys.XDConstants:
– if value is “true” then the unresolved refenrences in DTD are ignored
– following methods in XDPool are removed from the implementation:
setResolveIncludes(boolean x)
setDisplayMode(byte mode)
setMinYear(int x);
setMaxYear(int x);
setSpecialDates(SDatetime[] x);
because they violated reentrantibility of the object XDPool, perameters is now possible to set only via properties.
– repaired error of the Script method getCounter() in the “match” section
– corrected missing support of some unusual character set names

– on the Script of X-definition is implemented the new type of value “Locale”
this value is possible to create with following constructors:
new Locale(language) or
new Locale(language, country) or
new Locale(language, country, variant), where language is lowercase two-letter ISO-639 code, country is uppercase two-letter ISO-3166 code, variant is Java library vendor and browser specific code

– in the Script of X-definition are now implemented new methods:
format(mask, v1, …) creates string from arguments v1, …according to given mask
format(local, mask, v1, …) creates string from arguments v1, …according to given mask and according to specific geographical, political or cultural region from the parameter local (type Locale)
printf(mask, v1,…) prints string from arguments v1, … to standard output according to given mask
printf(local, mask, v1,…) prints string from arguments v1, … to standard output according to given mask and according to specific geographical, political or cultural region from the parameter local (type Locale)
printf(out, mask, v1,…) prints string from arguments v1, … to the output stream out according to given mask
printf(out, local, mask, v1,…) prints string from arguments v1, … to the output stream out according to given mask and according to specific geographical, political or cultural region from the parameter local (type Locale)
out.printf(mask, v1,…) prints string from arguments v1, … to the output stream out according to given mask
out.printf(local, mask, v1,…)  prints string from arguments v1, … to the output stream out according to given mask and according to specific geographical, political or cultural region from the parameter local (type Locale)

– refactored packages:
cz.syntea.common.msg -> cz.syntea.xdef.msg
cz.syntea.common.sys -> cz.syntea.xdef.sys
cz.syntea.common.xml -> cz.syntea.xdef.xml
– repaired bug in the Script command “external method” if the result type is specified as “cz.syntea.xdef.xx” (where xx is the type of value) or if the type is declared as XDContainer
– repaired bug in cz.syntea.common.sys.SManager when there are specified the external property files with a language version of reports
– with the methods “setProperty” or “setProperties” in the class cz,syntea.xdef.XDDocument is now possible to set the specified language of reports and to set the defalut language of reports
– repaired StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when the file name of X-definition is an empty string
– repaired bug in the Script method “error” with the parameter type of “Report”
– on the standard output streams (System.err, System.out) is now at the end of process invoked the method flush()
– repaired bug in the Script methods “setParameter” and “settType” on the type Report (and corrected documentation of it)
– declaration of external methods is now recorded to by the command external method deklarace metody; or external method { deklarace metody; … }
– repaired bug in some case of specified quantifier occurs 2..2
– the following classes were moved from the package cz.syntea.xdef to cz.syntea.xdef.proc: XXNode, XXDocument, XXEelement, XXData
– repaired NullPointerException in some cases when a rule of the BNF grammar does not exist
– the default X-definition verison is switched from 2.0 to 3.1